We inspected this service on the 2 February 2016. The provider was given notice of the inspection to ensure someone was available in the office to support us.The service was last inspected on 6 August 2013 where it was found complaint with the regulations inspected. This is the first inspection under the new methodology, where the service has been provided with a rating under the Health and social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
At the time of the inspection the service was providing a nail cutting service to 605 people predominantly in the Chorley area but also expanding into the West Lancashire area. Some people receive the service in their own home and some attend one of the six clinics the service offers in community buildings or care homes.
The provider is also registered to offer a home help service which at the time of the inspection was not in operation due to no demand for personal care support.
The provider had a manager who was in the process of registering with the commission. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
We found the service undertook risk assessments for the service delivery including any location from which it was delivered. The provider had a set of safeguarding procedures which staff we spoke to understood how to implement
Policies and procedures were in place and followed for the reduction of infection control and cross contamination. This included each person using the service having their own nail cutting equipment and staff wearing and disposing of the appropriate personal protective equipment after each appointment.
We noted recruitment files were missing some of the information required under schedule three of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (HSCA 2008). This information ensured that staff in post were fit and suitable candidates. Most staff had been in post prior to the HSCA and the provider had undertaken an audit of personnel file information which identified some gaps. The provider was in the process of accessing the required information.
The provider had a good set of mandatory training and was in the process of sourcing the care certificate for all Age UK staff. Staff at the service also undertook specific training and competency testing for the role they were undertaking.
We saw that the service worked mostly with implied consent from people having their nails cut. The provider was reviewing available information to support people they supported who were living with dementia to ensure they were working within the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
People we spoke with told us all the staff were very pleasant and they were very grateful of the service. The provider told us and we saw some very positive feedback on the service people received. We were also told if the service required the support of a translator for someone wishing to use the service whose first language was not English then one would be provided.
When people first referred to the service a comprehensive assessment was completed by the podiatrist. This would be reviewed by staff at every subsequent visit and formally again by the podiatrist 18 months after service initiation.
A complaints procedure was in place and people had access to a leaflet for them to feedback their experience on the service. Staff also have available copies of information for people to complete ‘If things go wrong’.
We saw a set of values and provider ethos on the notice board in the provider offices. We were told how a new appraisal system had been developed with the values of the service at the core. Staff were supported by an employee assistance group and staff at the service were active in this group. This helped ensure that things that were important to the staff of the service were highlighted as required.
The provider had recently developed a quality improvement plan for the service and we were told that the feedback from the inspection would form part of this plan going forward.