2 April 2014
During a routine inspection
This is a summary of what people told us and what we found. If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People told us they felt safe and comfortable when they were with their support workers. People's relatives said their family members had a good relationship with their support workers. They were satisfied the support workers were trained and prepared to deliver care safely. One said, 'We have a good lot of carers at the moment'.
We found the service had systems in place to ensure people were protected from the risk of abuse. They carried out the necessary checks before staff started work and there was a robust recruitment process in place. Where specialised techniques were needed staff were trained and their competence was assessed before they attended people.
Is the service effective?
People told us that they were satisfied with the care and support they received. One said the service was 'really good', and their support workers were 'good, very proficient'. Another said the care provided met their needs and was 'pretty good'. Relatives of people using the service described it as 'absolutely excellent', and 'brilliant, superb'.
We found people's care and support were based on thorough assessments with detailed and personalised support plans. Systems were in place to ensure care was delivered according to people's plans.
Is the service caring?
Relatives of people using the service told us support was provided in a caring way. One said, '[name] has brilliant carers, they are very patient.' Another said, 'We love them, brilliant'. People using the service told us they got on well with their support workers and had a good relationship with them.
Staff we spoke with were motivated to provide high quality care. They had a thorough knowledge of people's needs and how they preferred to have their care delivered.
Is the service responsive?
People told us they had been involved in their own or their relative's assessments and care planning, and that their views and preferences were taken into account. Care and support were provided with their consent. The service responded to changes in their needs or circumstances. They told us staff listened and were responsive when they contacted the office.
We found the service had systems in place to ensure the care provided was appropriate to peoples' changing needs.
Is the service well-led?
Staff told us they were supported to deliver high quality care and they were able to contact somebody for advice at any time of the day or night. They said if they raised concerns with the manager or senior staff, they were dealt with properly.
Systems were in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service provided. Risks were assessed and appropriate action plans were in place. There were processes in place to review and learn from incidents, accidents and complaints.