Our inspection team comprised an inspector and an expert by experience. We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask:- Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, looking at records and speaking with people using the service, their relatives, and members of staff.
Please read the full report for evidence that supports our summary.
Is the service safe?
People were cared for in an environment that was safe, clean and hygienic. One person told us, 'It's a lovely clean place. They keep it nice and clean.'
We found that staff were supported with regular training and supervision to provide safe and appropriate care. One person told us, 'The staff are very special, they are very caring.' A visitor commented, 'No qualms about this pace at all. I would have my mother stay here.' We saw people were treated with dignity and respect by members of staff.
We looked at a random selection of care plans for people using the service. We found that they were person centred and reflected the individual needs of each person. We saw that they covered a comprehensive range of care and healthcare needs including individual risk assessments. We found that care plans had been audited, regularly reviewed and were up to date which supported staff to deliver safe and appropriate care.
We found that appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work at the home and there were enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs.
We found that there were procedures in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies. For example, people had a personal emergency evacuation plan. In addition to the trained nurses that were on duty each shift members of staff were first aid trained. All staff had fire safety training once a year.
We found that there were appropriate measures in place in relation to the security of the service. The provider had taken steps to provide care in an environment that was suitably designed and adequately maintained.
There was evidence from the records we examined and our conversations with staff that learning from incidents / investigations took place and appropriate changes were implemented.
The Care Quality Commission monitors operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. We identified that recent changes resulting from the Supreme Court in March 2014 could apply to some people using the service. The manager informed us that they were about to review whether people required DoLS applications to comply with the recent changes.
Is the service effective?
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. We were told that an assessment of people's needs was carried out before people came to the service.
We found that there were two activities' coordinators for the service six days a week. We saw a number of activities taking place in communal areas. A hairdresser visited twice a week. Most of the people we spoke with commented favourably about activities in the home. One person told us, 'There seems to be enough to do to suit most people.'
Staff received appropriate professional development. We were provided with information and records to show that staff received regular training. Staff were able, from time to time, to obtain further relevant qualifications
Is the service caring?
We saw that there were regular interactions between staff and people using the service that were positive and friendly. People and staff referred to each other on first name terms. Care was delivered in a kind and caring manner. One person told us, 'The care has been fine.' Another said, 'The staff are always very kind.' One person commented, 'Most of the staff are very nice.' One person told us, 'I am very positive about the care delivered here.'
Is the service responsive?
People expressed their views and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. We saw that care plans were person centred and recorded how people preferred their care and treatment to be delivered. People's care and treatment reflected relevant research and guidance. For example, the service was an accredited member of the Gold Standard Framework for end of life care and worked closely with St Christiopher's Hospice.
Is the service well led?
People who use the service, their representatives and staff were asked for their views about their care and treatment and they were acted on.
We spoke with people using the service, visitors and members of staff who told us that the manager had an 'open door' policy and was approachable. The provider had systems in place to assess and monitor service provision.