23 May 2013
During a routine inspection
There were no malodours, bedrooms were decorated with individuals personal effects and the furnishings and decor were to a high standard. There was signage to indicate toilets bathrooms and lounges that was in a suitable format for people with a dementia type illness to understand.
We spoke with people who lived at the service, family members and staff. Everyone that we spoke with was positive about the provider, the care provided and the staff. Comments from the people we spoke to included '' moving in has been a transformation for mums life. The home is run for the residents with their needs in mind. They are very receptive to new ideas''.
A person living at the home told us how settled they were and how they were involved in the running of the home. Several people told us that they liked looking out of the large windows that helped them to see what was going on in the local community.
Staff members told us they received training and support to allow them to provide a good quality of care for the people living at the service.
We also saw that staff interacted well with the people living at the service, relatives and each other.
The manager made available to us their plan for 2013/2014 that showed how they had assessed their strengths and weakness's and intended to move the service forward.