Updated 25 April 2019
Our inspection team was led by a CQC lead inspector. The team also included a GP specialist advisor.
NHS Upper Parliament Street is located at 79A Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6LD.
The provider, Nottingham City General Practice Alliance (NCGPA), is registered with the CQC to carry out the following regulated activities from the location: diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
NCGPA was formed in 2016. Its members consist of 45 GP practices. NCGPA is a Company limited by shares, with its member practices being shareholders. The company is managed by a board of eight elected representatives from member practices and three co-opted positions representing nursing, lay and non-principal GPs.
The day-to-day running of the company is through a senior management team comprising the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer along with the Company’s Chief Operating Officer and a dedicated office team.
NCGPA has a contract with NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). This is the NHSE GP extended hours contract, an Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contract, for the provision of additional appointments bookable by the 52 GP practices within Nottingham city. The service is available to patients who are registered with a Nottingham City GP and serves a population of approximately 365,000.
Patients contact their own practice to request an appointment at NHS Upper Parliament Street. Practice staff book the appointment with NHS Upper Parliament Street on behalf of their patients. All appointments must be pre-booked as the service is not a walk-in centre. The service has clear working protocols to ensure that information is shared appropriately between itself and the patient’s own practice and to ensure that it is clear who has responsibility for taking actions following an appointment.
NHS Upper Parliament Street was established as part of NHS England’s GP Forward View to improve access in primary care, providing an additional 182 hours of clinical capacity a week. In addition to the core contract, Nottingham CCG commissioned NHS Upper Parliament Street to provide extra appointments to accommodate for winter pressures during the December and January months. The service also provides the smoking cessation service for Nottingham City. The service provided a range of appointments with different members of the healthcare team as part of a skill mix approach.
The service operates in the premises with another GP practice. The service is open from 4pm to 8pm on weekdays and from 9am to 1pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Smoking cessation services are also available on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
The clinical team is made up of a clinical lead GP and a team of long-term locum GPs, practice nurses, healthcare assistants, physiotherapists and clinical pharmacists. The non-clinical team consists of a service lead and a team of administrative and reception staff members.