Mulberry Care Limited registered Grange House as a new location in September 2012. The service was dormant until 29 May 2013, when three people moved in. Those people had previously lived at another care home run by the provider. They agreed to move to Grange House while renovation work was carried out at the home where they lived. The nominated individual explained that, when the renovation work was completed at the other home, the people living at Grange House would be offered the choice of staying at Grange House or moving back to their previous home. The nominated individual estimated the renovation work would take at least 12 weeks to complete.
In this report, we have not used direct quotes from people who use the service in order to preserve their anonymity.
During our inspection we saw people were being spoken with and supported in a sensitive, respectful and professional manner. People felt staff respected their privacy and dignity and helped them to remain as independent as possible.
People who use the service were independent with their personal care needs and received the minimal assistance they needed from staff. However, staff had not carried out an assessment of the needs of the people living at the home. Staff had not planned people's care in order to meet their needs and ensure their welfare and safety while they lived at Grange House.
Records were kept securely and could be located promptly. However, people were not protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment because accurate and appropriate records were not maintained.
We found there were enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs. People living at the home told us staff were available when they needed them and felt staff had the skills they needed when providing support and helping them with their care.