• Care Home
  • Care home

The Gables

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

195 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, DN16 2AQ

Provided and run by:
Partnerships in Care Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 2 May 2019

The inspection: We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (the Act) as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider was meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Act, to look at the overall quality of the service, and to provide a rating for the service under the Care Act 2014.

Inspection team: An inspector and assistant inspector carried out the first day of inspection. The second day was completed by an inspector.

Service and service type: The service is a 'care home'. People in care homes receive accommodation and personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at on this inspection.

The service had a manager registered with the Care Quality Commission. This means that they and the provider are legally responsible for how the service is run and for the quality and safety of the care provided.

Notice of inspection: This was an unannounced inspection.

What we did: Before the inspection, we looked at information sent to us since the last inspection such as notifications about accidents, safeguarding alerts and the Provider Information Return (PIR). The PIR is a form that asks the provider to give some key information about the service, what the service does well and improvements they plan to make. We also contacted the local authority adult safeguarding team and Healthwatch, the consumer champion for health and social care, to ask if they had any information to share.

During the inspection, we spoke with one person who used the service and one relative. We spoke with the registered manager, general manager and three support workers. We received feedback from three health and social care professionals.

We looked at care files and daily notes for four people and medication records for six people. We completed a tour of the building which included people’s bedrooms, bathrooms and communal areas. We looked at three staff recruitment files, induction, training records and a range of documentation for the management of the service. We also looked at surveys, audits, compliments and complaints and technology being used in the service.

Overall inspection


Updated 2 May 2019

About the service: The Gables is a residential care home that can accommodate a maximum of 12 people. At the time of the inspection it was providing accommodation and personal care to nine people.

People’s experience of using this service: People were extremely happy with the care provided and were highly complimentary of the service. One person said, “They’ve all done so much to make it a home from home. I’ve got nothing bad to say about The Gables, if only there were more of this place.”

People were supported to be as independent as possible and had made significant progress in achieving their goals. They were actively included in making decisions about their care and setting future goals. People were supported to access healthcare services in a timely manner.

People led fulfilling lives which included accessing a wide variety of activities and going on holiday. Staff did all they could to ensure that the time people spent with the loved ones was special. Staff had developed meaningful, caring relationships with people and supported them with their cultural and religious needs.

People told us the food was of good quality and they were included in developing weekly menus, so their personal tastes were catered for.

People were kept safe from avoidable harm and abuse and there were enough staff to safely meet people’s care and support needs. People’s needs were assessed and risks were appropriately managed.

People and staff told us the service was exceptionally well-led. The management team had created a caring and inclusive culture for people and staff. People told us they could talk to the management team about any concerns and were confident they would be listened to.

Staff told us they felt well supported by the management team and received regular supervision and appraisals. Staff received appropriate training and were supported to undertake additional training in areas of interest to them.

Rating at last inspection: This was the first inspection since registration on 26 February 2018.

Why we inspected: This was a scheduled inspection based on our inspection programme.

Follow up: We will continue to monitor this service and inspect in line with our re-inspection schedule or sooner if we receive information of concern.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk