We spoke with two dentists, one of whom was the provider, the registered manager, two dental nurses and a receptionist. We also spoke with five patients.Patients were given treatment choices and information to help them decide before they agreed to treatment. A patient told us, 'They always explain what they are going to do and there is a discussion. They don't just plough on and do what they want. They always tell you what the alternatives are.'
Patients received a comprehensive oral examination, and were given advice to help them maintain their oral health. People were given options before treatment was given in accordance with their agreed plan. One patient commented, 'It's very good, they're very friendly and the dentist is excellent.' Another said, 'Excellent treatment, 100%, it could not have been better.'
Staff were appropriately qualified and, where necessary, registered with the General Dental Council. We found they had maintained and enhanced their skills. The previous provider had not kept all the staff information required and therefore we found this was missing.
The practice was clean and hygienic but we found that not all government guidelines relating to infection control and decontamination were being followed.
The provider gathered the views of people who used the service, and acted on these. There were systems to ensure the premises and equipment was safe.