25 February 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke with the provider, registered manager, four members of staff and an additional five members of staff who had just started induction training. We spoke with two people who used the service and three relatives of people who used the service following our inspection by telephone.
The people who used the service, their relatives and the staff members we spoke with were all very complimentary about the service provider and the care and support that was provided. One person said, 'There is nothing I can say that is bad about this service. It is absolutely wonderful. The staff are very good'. A second person said, 'I would not swop my care or the staff that provide my care for all the tea in China. It is excellent. I cannot fault anything'. A relative said, 'The service provided is excellent. We have full confidence that our family member is looked after and is safe'. Another relative said, 'We had another agency before. We were not happy with the care provided. Since they have had care from Home Instead they are like a different person. They are so well and alert'.
All staff we spoke with told us that the care provided by Home Instead was of a very good standard and that people were treated well and were safe.
We found and were told by people who used the service and their relatives that they were treated in a polite, dignified way and were shown respect.
Staff had the information they needed to know how to support people who used the service to meet their individual needs. One person who used the service told us, 'The staff know how to care for me and do what they need to do'.
Systems were in place to ensure that people who used the service were safeguarded from harm and abuse.
Recruitment processes ensured that staff were employed who had the appropriate skills and knowledge to safely meet people's needs.
People, their relatives and staff were asked for their views about the service and these were listened to.