During this inspection, we spoke with three patients. They confirmed that they had been treated with respect and dignity and were satisfied with the services provided. One patient told us, "I find her very good. She is a very good GP. I have been treated with respect'. Another patient said, 'The GP understand us and our culture. We are well treated and get good treatment'.Patients said they received the care and treatment they needed. They said they had no problems getting an appointment to see a doctor although sometimes it took longer than they would like. Records indicated that patients were carefully assessed and their care and treatment had been carefully monitored. Reviews of care and treatment with the GP took place and these were recorded.
The practice had a recruitment policy. Essential checks had not been carried out on new staff working in the practice. Staff had been provided with essential training and updates. They were aware of action to take when responding to allegations or incidents of abuse.
The practice had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that patients received. Two recent patient surveys indicated that people were satisfied with the quality of services provided. There was a Patients' Participation Group.