At the previous inspection we had asked the provider to improve the information held in people's care plans and risk assessments. We found that some care plans had been changed to reflect a more person-centred document. Care plans had been reviewed within the last year. However, some care plans had not been updated and were not fit for purpose. Some care plans and risk assessments were difficult to understand and did not explain clearly people's emotional needs and support. We found that whilst people's basic needs were being met, they were not provided with the support to participate in activities or interests. Staff were not familiar with people's care plans.
Recruitment and selection processes were inadequate. Two staff had been employed for one and four years respectively at the home and there was no proof that they had a right to work in the UK.
Arrangements to support staff were ineffective. The provider did not have a learning and development plan. Training needs were discussed during supervision meetings with staff. However, staff were not receiving regular supervision meetings and one staff member had not had a supervision meeting since 2011.