About the service: MMR Homecare Limited is a small domiciliary care service that provides support and personal care to people living in their own homes. At the time of our inspection the service was supporting four people with personal care.People’s experience of using this service: Relatives told us they felt they received care in a safe way. Individual risks to people and the environment had been identified and assessed and measures were put in place to manage them and minimise the risk of avoidable harm occurring. Staff showed a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities for keeping people safe from harm. Medicines were managed safely by trained staff who ensured that people received medicines at the right time. Sufficient numbers of suitably qualified and skilled staff were deployed to meet people's individual needs.
People's needs and choices were assessed and planned for. Staff had received a range of training and support to enable them to carry out their role safely. Relatives told us they received the right care and support from staff who were well trained and competent. People received support to maintain good nutrition and hydration and their healthcare needs were understood and met. Records relating to consent for care were accurately completed and people told us they were always offered choice and control over the care they received.
Staff were motivated to deliver care in a person-centred way based on people's preferences and likes. Staff treated people with kindness, compassion and respect and ensured that people's dignity was always maintained. People spoke positively about the care and support they received. Relatives told us their relative received support from regular staff who knew them well. They told us staff always arrived on time and stayed the right amount of time.
Care plans identified intended outcomes for people and how they were to be met in a way they preferred. Care was delivered in a personalised way which was in line with information recorded in people's care plans. Relatives knew how to make a complaint and they were confident about complaining should they need to. They were confident that their complaint would be listened to and acted upon quickly.
The leadership of the service promoted person centred care and a positive culture within the staff team. Relatives and staff all described the registered manager as supportive and approachable.
The registered manager showed a continued desire to improve on the service and displayed knowledge and understanding around the importance of working closely with other agencies and healthcare professionals where needed. Systems and processes were in place to show that regular effective quality assessments were carried out and improvements were made if required.
Rating at last inspection: This was the first inspection since registering with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in April 2018.
Why we inspected: This was a planned comprehensive inspection.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor intelligence we received about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If any concerning information was received, we may inspect sooner.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk.