7 April 2015
During a routine inspection
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Dr Christopher Anthony Grainger Stern also known as Carepoint Practice on 7 April 2015.
Specifically, we found the practice to be good for providing safe, effective, caring, responsive and well- led services. It was good for providing services for older people, people with long term conditions, families, children and young people, working age people, people whose circumstances may make them vulnerable and people experiencing poor mental health.
Our key findings across all the areas we inspected were as follows:
- Staff understood and fulfilled their responsibilities to raise concerns and to report incidents and near misses.
- There were processes in place to safeguard vulnerable adults and children.
- Patients’ needs were assessed and care was delivered following best practice guidance.
- Staff had received training appropriate to their roles and any further training needs had been identified and planned through personal development plans.
- Patients said they were treated with kindness, care and respect and they were involved in decisions about their care and treatment.
- Patients were generally satisfied with the appointment system and found it easy to make an appointment.
- Staff felt that the practice was very supportive of training and that they had staff away days where guest speakers and trainers attended.
- The practice learned from patient experiences, concerns and complaints to improve the quality of care.
However there were areas of practice where the provider needs to make improvements.
The provider should:
- Review the refrigerator temperature monitoring record log to ensure that all relevant data is captured and that dates of checks are recorded.
- Review the child protection policy to ensure that the information is up to date.
- Ensure that information about the practice opening hours is consistent in the literature available to patients.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice