9 April 2018
During a routine inspection
Stanway Green Lodge accommodates a maximum of 30 older people, including people who live with dementia or a dementia related condition, in one purpose built residential style building. Stanway Green Lodge is a large detached building situated in a quiet residential area of Colchester and is close to all amenities. The premises are set out on two floors with each person using the service having their own individual bedroom and adequate communal facilities are available for people to make use of within the service. At the time of our inspection 27 people were using the service.
At our last inspection of this service on 09 September 2015 the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
A registered manager was in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People continued to be protected against the risk of abuse. We observed that people were safe in their environment. Staff had received training about recognising the signs of abuse or neglect and knew what to look out for. Both the registered manager and staff understood their role and responsibilities to report any concerns and were confident in doing so.
The service had maintained risk assessments to identify and reduce risks that may be involved when meeting people's needs such as inability to verbally communicate, which could lead to behaviour that challenges and details of how the risks could be reduced. This enabled the staff to take immediate action to minimise or prevent harm to people.
There were still sufficient numbers of staff to meet people's needs. Staff were recruited using procedures designed to protect people from unsuitable staff. Staff were trained to meet people's needs and they discussed their performance during one to one meetings and annual appraisal so they were supported to carry out their roles.
Staff were consistently supported by the registered manager and deputy manager and felt able to raise any concerns they had or suggestions to improve the service to people. Staff had the knowledge and skills to meet people's needs, and attended regular training courses. The staff followed policies about Equality, Diversity and Human Rights and continued to receive training about this.
The systems for the management of medicines were followed by staff and we found that people received their medicines safely. People had good access to health and social care professionals when required.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. The registered manager understood the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty safeguards and the home complied with these requirements.
People's care plans contained information about their personal preferences and focussed on individual needs. People and those closest to them were involved in regular reviews to ensure the support provided continued to meet their needs.
People were involved in assessment and care planning processes. Their support needs, likes and lifestyle preferences had been carefully considered and were reflected within the care and support plans available.
People were always motivated, encouraged and supported to be actively engaged in activities inside and outside of the home. People went out to their local community for activities. Staff encouraged people to undertake activities and supported them to become more independent. Staff spent time engaging people in conversations, and spoke to them politely and respectfully.
Staff meetings took place on a regular basis. Minutes were taken and any actions required were recorded and acted on. People's feedback was sought and used to improve the care in the service.
People knew how to make a complaint and complaints were managed in accordance with the provider's complaints policy.
The registered manager continued to measure the quality of people's experiences and work at putting people at the heart of the service. They asked relatives, staff and external health and social care professionals for their views about the service.
The registered manager and provider regularly assessed and monitored the quality of care to ensure standards were met and maintained. They also understood the requirements of their registration with the Commission.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.