Sea Breeze provides support to eight people with a learning disability. We spoke with two of the people who lived at Sea Breeze. Due to the nature of people's learning disability we were not always able to ask direct questions to people. We did however chat with them and were able to obtain their views as much as possible. We spoke with three relatives of people who lived at Sea Breeze. We also spoke with the Registered Manager, the deputy manager and two members of staff.We used this inspection to answer our five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?
This inspection was carried out by a single inspector. Below is a summary of what we found.
Is the service safe?
Relatives of people said they felt their relatives were safe while being supported. They told us the care staff were good. None of the people who lived at Sea Breeze had any concerns about their safety. Staff told us the care and support plans gave them the information they needed to provide the level of support people required.
We saw care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's safety and welfare. Both of the care plans we looked at had risk assessments in place to help minimise any risk that had been identified.
The provider and staff understood their responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). The manager told us additional training was being provided to managers in light of new guidance. The manager said that this would be cascaded down to staff.
The fire log book showed regular checks of the fire alarm and emergency lighting systems were recorded. We also saw that regular fire evacuation exercises were conducted
We saw safety certificates were in date for gas safety, electrical wiring and for portable appliances.
Is the service effective?
Each person had a plan of care and support. We saw that support plans explained what the person could do for themselves and what support they needed from staff.
During our visit we saw staff consulted people as much as possible when they supported them. Staff spoke to people clearly and explained to people what they were doing. Staff told us that the care and support plans gave them the information they needed to provide the level of support people required.
We looked at how staff recorded what support had been provided each day. We saw that recording took place throughout the day and provided good information about the care and support given and provided evidence of care delivery.
Is the service caring?
We observed staff speaking to people appropriately and they used people's preferred form of address. We saw people and staff got on well together. There was a good rapport between staff and people who used the service and we observed staff and people enjoying each other's company.
We observed that people were happy with the support they received and a relative of one person we spoke with was very happy with the care and support their relative received. They told us that the staff were caring and provided the help, care and support their relative needed.
Is the service responsive?
We saw people had regular reviews of the care and support they received. We saw one person's care plan had been amended as a result of a change in their care needs.
We saw that people were able to participate in a range of activities both in the home and in the local community. Staff told us that they encouraged and supported people to participate in activities to promote and maintain their well-being.
People who used the service, their relatives and staff were asked for their views about how the home was meeting people's needs and any concerns or ways to improve the service were acted on.
Is the service well led?
Sea Breeze had a policy and procedure for quality assurance and the provider organisation employed a Quality Manager who ensured that six monthly audits on the quality of the service provided was carried out. The provider organisation also employed an area manager who carried out regular visits to the service.
A relative we spoke with told us that they had regular contact with the home and said that they could speak to the manager or staff at any time. They told us they were kept informed about any issues which affected their relatives.
Staff meetings took place every three months and minutes of these meetings were kept. Staff we spoke with confirmed this and said the staff meetings enabled them to discuss issues openly with the manager and the rest of the staff team.
Meetings with people who used the service also took place weekly and these were used to discuss any issues in the home and also to plan activities and menu's for the following week.
The manager told us that all staff received supervision every six to eight weeks where staff performance issues were discussed and additional staff training was identified as necessary. The manager also told us that staff received annual appraisals. Staff we spoke with confirmed this.