The Beaufort Road Surgery provides medical care to over 10,900 patients living in Southbourne and the surrounding areas of Bournemouth. The surgery consists of six GPs, three nurses, two healthcare assistants and a team of administration staff. The opening hours are 7.25am to 6.30pm and the surgery does not provide emergency cover outside normal opening times.
During our visit we spoke with 12 patients who were using the service. We also spoke with five GPs, two nurses, and the administrative staff.
The practice was caring. Patients described the staff as helpful and friendly and were involved in decisions about their treatment. The practice recognised the diversity of their patients and responded well to their individual needs.
Systems were in place to recognise and support patients who were at risk of abuse. Staff were aware of policies and procedures for reporting serious events, accidents, errors, complaints and for safeguarding patients at risk of harm. Incidents were investigated and acted on, and any learning was shared with staff to mitigate future risks.
There was effective infection prevention and control, and staff were aware of their roles and responsibilities.
Not all patients and staff would be safe in the event of a fire at the surgery, as staff lacked confidence in the first floor fire escape route.
Patient care was delivered in line with best practice. Robust monitoring systems were in place, and ways for improving the service for patients were explored, but systems for recruiting new staff needed improvements.
GPs worked with other healthcare providers to ensure that patients received effective care. Patients were offered advice, treatment and support for their health. The practice was responsive to people’s needs. Patients were able to access the care they needed promptly and efficiently. The practice had systems to ensure patient views were listened to and acted on. The building was accessible for patients with mobility difficulties or those with young children.
The practice was well led. There was a clear leadership structure and processes in place to keep staff informed. Staff felt valued and well supported. Patients gave positive feedback on the care provided to them. The practice had taken account of patients’ views on how it should be run.