Patients we spoke with told us that they could book an appointment at a time that suited them. Not all patients were able to see a GP of their choice. We found that patient records were accurate and up-to-date. Regular reviews had been completed for each patient to ensure their health care needs were being met. Patients we spoke with told is they did not like having their conversations over heard.The provider gave the safeguarding of patients the priority and attention it deserved. All of the staff we spoke with were able to describe how safeguarding of patients was effectively provided for. Patients we spoke with told us that they always felt safe at either of the provider's surgeries.
The provision of hand wash facilities, protective clothing, staff training and their knowledge of infection prevention and control measures meant that patients were cared for in a visibly clean environment. Cleaning was provided at both surgeries to an appropriate standard.
Regular environmental, equipment, health and safety and other audits of staff training had been completed. However, we found that these were not always effective in identifying errors and omissions. The provider had a system in place to identify, assess and manage risks to the health, safety and welfare of patients who use the service, but this was not always an effective system.