We were able to speak with five people who used the service (patients) who were in the waiting room when we visited. All of the patients we spoke with confirmed that they happy with the service they received from the GP's and clinical staff. We saw staff speaking with people in a respectful manner and staff we spoke with understood the requirements for privacy, dignity and confidentiality. A patient who spoke with us told us, 'Never had cause for complaint and staff are friendly'. Another patient stated that the, 'Appointment system good. I don't order prescriptions online but I am aware that this is available." One patient stated that the practice was, 'Beautifully organised', whilst another commented, 'I like this surgery.'The practice had a very active patient participation group who met three monthly. Patients we spoke with confirmed that they felt confident that the doctor understood their condition. Two of the patients we spoke with told us that the GP's supported them well with their medical condition. One patient told us, 'Dr Naylor was excellent when my wife was terminally ill.' Another patient explained, 'I feel they will listen and do something.' We found that the practice was participating in a pilot project with regards to supporting carers.
We saw that the premises were adequately heated, lit and ventilated. It was clean and comfortable. There were infection control methods in place. The practice manager told us that staff had received mandatory and other training. We were able to verify this as training certificates were kept on staff files and the practice manager maintained a training matrix. We found that there were appropriate systems in place to enable the provider to assess and monitor the quality and safety of the service, protect people who used the service and improve outcomes for people.