As part of our inspection we spoke with five people who used the service, seven staff members; including a doctor, a nurse, the practice manager and reception staff. The practice had a 'Patient Reference Group' (PRG) who met regularly to discuss the services provided by the practice. They told us they expressed their views and were involved in making decisions about the practice. They said the doctors listened to them and all staff were polite and helpful. Comments included:
In relation to accessing a doctor or a nurse, one person said, 'Excellent never had an issue.'
'When I have requested a call back from the doctor they have always called me back.'
'Staff are so nice.'
'I was referred to the community team when needed.'
'I receive excellent support from this practice.'
Staff had received abuse awareness training and procedures were in place to respond appropriately to any allegation of abuse.
Appropriate recruitment checks were in place prior to the employment of staff. This meant the provider had taken steps to ensure the staff they employed were of good character and suitable to work with vulnerable groups.
People had their comments and complaints listened to and where appropriate action had been taken.