We spoke with four patients, four members of staff, the practice manager, a practice nurse and a doctor at the practice. Patients were very complimentary about the practice. They told us the staff were, 'Always welcoming,' 'Very friendly' and 'Willing to help.' One said they felt they were well cared for and it was a, 'Good family orientated practice.'Patients told us they were usually able to obtain an appointment at the practice at times which were convenient for them. They said they felt involved in decisions about their care and treatment. The doctor or nurse took time to explain their treatment and the risks and benefits were explained to them.
The practice had put in place some measures to protect patients and staff from the risks of infection. However the measures were ineffective and recommended good practice guidance had not been followed.
The staff we spoke with told us they enjoyed their jobs. They said there was good teamwork and they were well supported.
The practice participated in local clinical audit programmes. Patients were invited to submit comments or suggestions for improvement of the service and were encouraged to contribute to the practice Patient Participation Group (PPG).