We spoke with eight patients who were very complimentary about the service they received and told us they were looked after very well by staff. One person said, 'This place is wonderful and could not be any better, they do a really good job here.'Evidence we reviewed demonstrated that clinical care and treatment was tailored to meet individual needs.
Although allegations of abuse had been responded to, other steps to identify and prevent possible abuse had not been taken such as staff training and relevant procedures.
Appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to obtaining, recording, handling and disposing of medicine. However staff did not dispose of controlled drugs in a timely way. Medicines were prescribed and given to people appropriately but not all medicines were kept safely.
The premises were not suitably designed for people with a disability. Some maintenance issues had been neglected and this placed patients, staff and visitors at risk of unsafe or unsuitable premises.
Evidence demonstrated that people were cared for, or supported by, suitably skilled and experienced staff. However recruitment and selection processes were not in place to ensure that appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work.
People's personal records including medical records were accurate and fit for purpose. However staff records and other records relevant to the management of the service were not always accurate and fit for purpose.