Bincote Surgery is located in the London Borough of Enfield, North London. The practice provides primary medical services to approximately 5,800 patients and is situated in a large, converted, semi-detached house. The practice is registered to provide diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, surgical procedures and treatment of disease and disorder or injury.
We carried out an announced inspection on 29 May and 2 June 2014. During our inspection we spoke with GPs, the practice nurse, practice manager and reception staff. We also spoke with patients (including patient participation group (PPG) members) and reviewed policies and procedures documentation. We reviewed completed patient comment cards which had been made available to patients in the two weeks prior to our inspection.
Patients spoke positively about how they were treated by clinical and administrative staff. They told us that GPs were compassionate and that the practice listened to and acted on patient concerns. Comment card feedback emphasised the high standard of care that patients felt they received. However, some patients told us they felt that space in the practice was limited.
The practice had systems in place to report and learn from incidents and protect patients from the risk of infection. Staff had received training in how to respond to emergencies and training in child protection and safeguarding vulnerable adults.
Systems to monitor and improve care required some improvement including completing the clinical audit cycle. Staff had not received appraisals but told us they had supervision.
The service had some services in place to respond to the needs of the different population groups who used the practice. For example, patients diagnosed with depression were referred to a weekly counselling service at the practice and we noted that a Saturday surgery was held for patients with long term conditions.