Patients' care, treatment and support needs were based upon their identified and recorded health conditions. These included those patients living with a long term and ongoing health condition such as asthma, hypertension or heart disease. Patients we spoke with thought the practice was 'brilliant, very caring, receptionist friendly and helpful."Infection control and prevention training had not been provided for administration staff. Appropriate cleaning and infection control guidance had not always been followed. We could not be confident that patients were always cared for in a clean, hygienic environment.
Staff were provided with supervision, annual appraisals and support appropriate to their role. Clinical staff records we reviewed evidenced to us that these were all current and up to date with their professional registrations. This meant that patients could be confident that their care was provided by staff whose competence had been effectively established.
Of the two complaints that had been received by the provider, we saw that these had both been resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant. Patients we spoke with told us, "I have never, in 14 years, had cause to complain." Another person we spoke with said, "If I had a complaint I would ask to speak with the staff or manager."