We carried out this desktop review to follow up concerns identified in June 2014 when we repeated compliance actions from the inspection in December 2013. Our concerns related to the safeguarding of adults and the assessment and monitoring of potential risks to promote patient safety. Following the last inspection, the practice sent us an action plan, which showed how they intended to become compliant. This desktop review asked two key questions:
Is the practice safe? Processes had been improved so that staff had clear guidance about the steps to take if they suspected patients were at risk of abuse. All of the staff had received safeguarding training relevant to their role and responsibilities.
Is the practice well led? Written information showed the practice was learning from audits and had assurance of appropriate arrangements for safeguarding adults and reduction of potential risks. For example, audits now provide evidence that emergency equipment is safe to use and in date.
The next inspection of the practice will cover all five key questions to establish if the practice is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.