We spoke to members of the Patient Reference Group and people visiting the surgery on the day of our inspection. People told us they were happy with the service provided by the doctors at the practice. One person said 'the GPs are wonderful and another said 'they are very good here and listen to what you have to say.'People told us that the GPs were approachable and they could ask questions if they needed to. We found that people's care was planned and delivered in a way that met their individual needs and that the practice co-operated with other healthcare professionals and services.
We also found that people were protected from the risk of abuse because the provider had procedures in place for safeguarding vulnerable adults and children and staff we spoke with were aware of these procedures.
People we spoke with on the day told is that they were always able to get an appointment quickly and did not have problems getting an emergency appointment.
We found that people's privacy and dignity was respected in every case.
The provider had effective recruitment procedures in place to ensure only suitable staff were employed at the service. However, information in relation to Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checks was not readily available for us to see.