Patients that we spoke with were very complementary about the service they received. They told us that the reception staff were friendly and helpful and they received good support and advice from the doctors and nurses. During our observations we saw that patient privacy and confidentiality of information was maintained.Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. Some items of emergency equipment had not been checked to ensure they were ready and safe to use.
Dispensary staff followed clear systems for obtaining, handling and dispensing of medicines. Most medicines were kept safely although improvements were required to the security of controlled drugs and medicines that were refrigerated.
Staff told us they felt supported by the doctors and practice manager although they felt communication could be improved. Most staff received an appraisal and had access to training. However, the policy for mandatory training was unclear, training records were poor and staff did not always have appropriate levels of knowledge in issues such as safeguarding or what action to take if they had concerns about poor practice.
There was information available to patients advising them on how to raise a complaint. Although there was a complaints process in place this was not followed by staff so that complaints were managed effectively.