During our visit we spoke with ten patients. Patients told us they were involved in their care and treatment and were provided with treatment options and choices when necessary. One patient told us 'I am given choices' and another patient told us 'I am involved in my own treatment.' A third patient told us 'I am definitely involved in the decisions.' This showed patients were involved in decisions about their treatment. Patients we spoke with told us they felt confident with care and support provided by the GPs and clinical staff. Generally feedback was positive about the service and the approach of the GPs and staff in the surgery. Comments included 'Excellent; never had a problem', 'In general very happy' and 'Very happy.' Two patients told us they didn't 'feel rushed' during appointments.
We found patients who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. There were suitable arrangements in place for all staff to be able to recognise and report safeguarding concerns to the relevant authority.
We found patients were cared for, or supported by, suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff and patients were made aware of the complaints system. Patients we spoke with did not express any concern about the care and treatment they had received. One patient told us they had made a complaint on behalf of her mother and told us that it was 'dealt with amicably.'