We saw evidence that before people received any care or treatment they were asked for their consent and the clinicians at the surgery acted in accordance with people's wishes. One clinician said, 'For any procedure, I explain it in a way that the person understands and I ask questions to check their understanding.'We spoke with nine people about their care and treatment. They all gave positive comments. One person told us, 'The staff are extremely well trained, they are knowledgeable about my results and who I may need to be seen by.'
The surgery had taken steps to ensure that the people who used the service were protected from the risks of the spread of infection. We noted that the surgery was clean during our inspection.
We saw that staff were supported and received appropriate professional development. One member of staff said, 'You definitely get training if it is relevant to your role.'
We were told by three people that they had been asked for their views about the surgery. One person told us, 'I have been included in discussions about what happens at the surgery.' We also saw a comments book in the surgery waiting room. One person had written 'very pleased with all staff, they really care.'
We spoke with nine people who used the surgery about how to make a complaint. Eight people told us they would not know how to make a complaint. When complaints were made there was no evidence that they were investigated and responded to appropriately.