Updated 23 August 2023
Archway NHS Medical Centre (“the practice”) operates at 652 Holloway Road, London N19 3NU. Some administrative staff are based at a nearby office, which we visited as part of the inspection.
The provider is registered with CQC to deliver the Regulated Activities: diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services and treatment of disease, disorder or injury and surgical procedures.
The practice is located in Islington, part of the North Central London Integrated Care System and delivers Personal Medical Services (PMS) under a contract held with NHS England. At the date of our inspection, 24,869 patients were registered with the practice, of which around 6,963 are Islington residents. Others have registered as out of area patients, accessing the service online using a mobile app. This was in accordance with changes made by NHS commissioners, allowing practices to register patients outside their areas.
The practice is part of a wider network, the Islington 2 North Primary Care Network (PCN) consisting of eight local GP practices.
Information published by Office for Health Improvement and Disparities shows that deprivation within the local area is in the third lowest decile (three of 10). The lower the decile, the more deprived the practice population is relative to others.
According to the latest published data (2015), the ethnic make-up of the local area is 66% White; 15% Black; 9% Asian; 7% Mixed, and 3% Other.
The practice provided us with data on the age range and gender of registered patients:
Children and younger people – up to 19 years: 1,463 (6%)
Student and working age people – 20 to 49: 20,852 (84%)
Older people – over 50s: 2,554 (10%)
There were slightly more female patients (51%) than males (49%)
The practice had some limited current data regarding the patient list: 48% White; 15% Asian Indian; 11% Asian Chinese; 7% Asian Bangladeshi; 5% Asian Pakistani; 5% Asian other; 3% Black; 3% Arab; 3% Mixed. However, this data related to only 17% of the patients registered, with the remaining 83% refusing to state their ethnicity on registration questionnaires.
The practice is operated by five partners, three of whom are GPs, one a nurse. The clinical team includes 3 salaried GPs, and 12 engaged locum GPs (the locums working remotely on various shift patterns); five nurses, one of whom specialises in sexual health and another in mental health; five clinical pharmacists; three physicians associates; a physiotherapist; a dietitian and a healthcare assistant.
The clinicians are supported by an administrative team of 21, including a practice manager and assistant, three other managerial staff, medical secretaries and administrators and receptionists.
The practice location is open between 8:00 am and 6:30 pm Monday to Friday, with appointments available throughout the day.
The online service operates seven days a week, from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm, providing phone and video consultations, also allowing contact with service administration.
Extended access is provided locally by the PCN, which operates at six Hub locations in the area, where late evening and weekend appointments are available. Patients calling the practice out of hours are connected to NHS111.
The NCL ICS has commissioned an extended access bridging service which is provided by the Islington GP Federation. It operates at three Hub locations in the area, where additional weekend appointments outside of core extended access hours are available.