Patients we spoke with were generally happy with the service they received at Milton surgery. They spoke positively about the staff employed at the practice. Patients told us they felt that the practice was safe and that care was given to them in accordance with their wishes. They told us the practice was responsive to their needs. For example urgent appointments could be obtained on the day the patient contacts the practice. This reflected the information provided on the practice website. Patients told us about their experiences of the practice. The responses were positive from the patients we spoke with on the day, the comments cards completed and the practice’s own survey completed in 2013, (150 questionnaires were sent out and 100% patient response received) .
There was evidence of investigation and learning from incidents, with changes implemented to improve patient care. The practice was effective in the way it provided care to patients. Clinical audits of patient care and prescribing were undertaken. There was evidence of response to staff training requirements. There were clear management structures at the practice. Staff told us they felt supported and spoke highly of the GPs and management team. We saw there were systems in place which regularly monitored the safety and effectiveness of the care provided.
In advance of our inspection we talked to the local clinical commissioning group (CCG) and the NHS local area team about the practice. Neither of these organisations had any significant concerns about it.
We also examined patient care across the following population groups: older people; those with long term medical conditions; mothers, babies, children and young people; working age people and those recently retired; people in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care; and people experiencing poor mental health. We found that care was tailored appropriately to the individual circumstances and needs of those patients in these groups.
Please note that when referring to information throughout this report, for example any reference to the Quality and Outcomes Framework data, this relates to the most recent information available to the CQC at that time.