Updated 1 November 2019
- The name of the registered provider is The Leiston Surgery.
- The provider is registered to provide the regulated activities of diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
- The practice holds a Personal Medical Services (PMS) contract with the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
- The practice area covers Leiston, Suffolk and the surrounding villages.
- The Leiston Surgery provides services to approximately 7,140 patients.
- There are four GP Partners at the practice (two male and two female) and one salaried GP (female). The practice clinical team also includes two practice nurses, a practice paramedic, a physician associate, a pharmacist and three health care assistants. There is a practice manager and a team which includes three administrators, two secretaries and six receptionists, including a reception lead. There is also a dispensary lead, and four dispensers.
- The main surgery is situated in a recently extended health centre in the town of Leiston and has a dispensary. There is a branch surgery in the village of Yoxford. We did not visit the branch surgery as part of this inspection. The practice offers dispensing services to those patients on the practice list who live more than one mile (1.6km) from their nearest pharmacy. The practice has a collection point for dispensed medicines at the branch site in Yoxford and at a post office in Westleton.
- The practice and dispensary is open between 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday. Appointments are available from 7am to 8am Monday to Thursday mornings. The branch site at Yoxford is open from 3.30pm to 6.30pm on Mondays and from 10.30am to 12 noon on Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Patients could book evening and weekend appointments with a GP through Suffolk GP+ (Suffolk GP+ is for patients who urgently need a doctor’s appointment or are not able to attend their usual GP practice on a weekday.)
- Out-of-hours GP services are provided by Suffolk GP Federation C.I.C., via the NHS111 service.
- According to Public Health England, the patient population has a significantly higher proportion of patients aged 65 years to 74 years and a higher than average number of patients aged 75 years and above, compared to the practice average across England. Income deprivation affecting children and older people is lower than the practice average across England, but in line with the local average. Male life expectancy is 80 years for men, which is above the England average of 79 years. Female life expectancy is 85 years for women, which is above the England average of 83 years. The deprivation decile is seven, with one being the most deprived and 10 being the least deprived.