Updated 30 October 2018
Hartland Surgery is located in Hartland, North Devon. It is a small rural practice caring for approximately 2,660 patients in an area covering 250 square miles and located 25 miles from the district general hospital. There are also a significant number of temporary residents, particularly during the summer months, due to the practices location in a popular holiday destination.
The practice’s population is in the fifth decile for deprivation. The lower the decile, the more deprived an area is compared to the national average. The practice population ethnic profile is predominantly White British. There is a practice age distribution of male and female patients’ broadly equivalent to national average figures.
The practice has a dispensary. A dispensing practice is where GPs are able to prescribe and dispense medicines directly to patients who live in a rural setting which is a set distance from a pharmacy.
There are two GP partners (one male and one female), a salaried GP and one practice nurse and two health care assistants. There are dispensing staff at the practice dispensary, a team of administrative staff and a practice manager.
The practice is a teaching practice offering placements to medical students.
The practice is open between 8am to 1pm and 2pm to 6.30pm. Appointments can be made in person, by telephone or online up to four weeks in advance. Extended surgery hours are offered until 8pm on Thursday evenings and some weekends.
The GPs and nurse offer emergency appointments for minor injuries that have recently occurred.
Outside of opening hours patients are directed to the 111 telephone service.
The practice provides regulated activities from Hartland Surgery, 66 The Square, Hartland, Bideford, Devon, EX39 6BL. We visited this location during our inspection.
The practice has a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with NHS England.