This practice is rated as Good overall. (Previous rating June 2015 – Good)
The key questions at this inspection are rated as:
Are services safe? – Requires Improvement
Are services effective? – Good
Are services caring? – Good
Are services responsive? – Good
Are services well-led? - Good
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Swanlow Medical Centre on 20 November 2018 as part of our inspection programme.
At this inspection we found:
- Staff understood and fulfilled their responsibilities to raise concerns and report incidents and near misses.
- The practice had clear systems to manage risk so that safety incidents were less likely to happen. When incidents did happen, the practice learned from them and improved their processes.
- There were shortfalls in the required information to demonstrate staff were suitable for employment. The practice was not able to show all clinical staff had completed fire safety and infection control training.
- The practice routinely reviewed the effectiveness and appropriateness of the care it provided. It ensured that care and treatment was delivered according to evidence- based guidelines.
- Staff involved and treated patients with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
- The most recent results from the GP national patient survey (August 2018) showed patient satisfaction with the service. Feedback was overall in line with local and national averages.
- The practice monitored patient access to services. It had a range of appointment options available for patients which included extended hours.
- The practice organised and delivered services to meet the needs of patients.
- There was a system in place for investigating and responding to patient feedback including complaints.
- There was a focus on continuous learning and improvement at all levels of the organisation.
- The practice engaged with local community organisations and charities to support patients.
We saw one area of outstanding practice:
- One of the GPs had worked closely with the local hospital and had just completed a 12-month pilot in a community heart failure clinic. They had worked to expand this to one clinic for each care community across the locality. This had significant benefits for the heart failure patients at this practice who could be treated locally, in a timely manner, adhering to the latest NICE quality standards for chronic heart failure. This also supported other clinicians to develop their cardiology skills to deliver improved care for all patients.
The area where the provider must make improvements as they are in breach of regulations are:
- Ensure specified information is available regarding each person employed.
- Demonstrate that all staff have received training in fire safety and infection control suitable for their role.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- Review the safeguarding procedures to provide guidance for staff on female genital mutilation (FGM), modern slavery and Prevent.
- Document the safety measures in place to promote the safe storage and use of oxygen and the measures in place to promote the security of the premises.
- Complete cleaning schedules for rooms and equipment and record observations of the cleaning standards provided by the external cleaning company.
- A copy of the annual review of complaints should be kept at the practice to show that complaints are reviewed to identify patterns and trends.
- Formalise the system for reviewing the practise of clinical staff to ensure consultations, referrals and prescribing are appropriate.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGPChief Inspector of General Practice