Castle Gardens Medical Centre is in Colchester. The practice provides primary medical care to approximately 8,700 people. Castle Gardens Medical Centre is a training practice providing training for GP registrars. These are qualified doctors who wish to pursue a career in general practice.
We carried out an announced inspection on 29 May 2014.
The practice was safe, responsive and effective in meeting the needs of older people. The provider had put in place safeguarding systems which sought to protect vulnerable adults from harm. An advanced nurse practitioner visited larger care homes three times a week.
Improvements were required to ensure that the service was effective for people with long-term conditions.
The practice was safe and effective for mothers, babies, children and young people.
Castle Gardens Medical centre was responsive to the needs of working age people.
Improvements were required to ensure that the practice was caring towards people in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care.
The practice was effective and responsive to the needs of people experiencing poor mental health.
The regulated activities we inspected were diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery services, surgical procedures, and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
We found that the practice was not meeting all the regulations with which they were required to comply. This was because medicines were not always stored securely and systems were not in place to ensure that vaccines were not stored at the correct temperature. Systems relating to reducing the risk of infection were not fully implemented and systems to monitor quality were unclear.