Updated 7 August 2018
Central Gateshead Medical Group provides care and treatment to around 10,503 patients of all ages from the Chowdene, Wrekenton, Felling (except Wardley), Leam Lane, Carr Hill, Low Fell, Bensham and Heworth areas of Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. The practice is part of Newcastle Gateshead clinical commissioning group (CCG) and operates on a Primary Medical Services (PMS) contract agreement for general practice.
The practice provides services from the following addresses, which we visited during this inspection:
- The Health Centre, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE8 1NB
The surgery is located in a purpose-built health centre which it shares with a pharmacy and a number of other health related services including community podiatry, memory protection team, physiotherapy, speech therapy and audiology. All patient areas and consultation rooms are on the ground floor and there is good access and facilities for patients with disabilities. An on-site pay and display car park is available which includes dedicated disabled car parking spaces.
Patients can book appointments in person, on-line or by telephone. Opening hours for reception are as follows:
- Monday – 8.30am to 6.30pm
- Tuesday to Friday – 8.30am to 6pm
Patients attending appointments when reception is closed are able to check in using an automated service.
The service for patients requiring urgent medical attention out of hours is provided by the NHS 111 service and GatDoc.
The practice has:
- Six GP partners (four male and two female)
- Three salaried GPs (one male and two female)
- One nurse practitioner (female)
- Two practice nurses (female)
- Four healthcare assistants/primary care navigators (all female)
- 16 non-clinical staff members including a practice manager, deputy practice manager, performance team leader, IT manager, medical secretary, reception team leader, receptionists, administrators and apprentices.
The practice is a training practice and involved in the training of medical students, nursing students and pharmacists.
The average life expectancy for the male practice population is 76 (CCG average 74 and national average 79) and for the female population 80 (CCG average 82 and national average 83). Age group percentages are comparable to local and national averages. For example, 15% of the practices’ patient population are in the over 65 age group compared to the CCG average of 16% and national average of 17%.
At 57%, the percentage of the practice population reported as having a long-standing health condition was lower than the CCG and national averages of 54%. Generally, a higher percentage of patients with a long-standing health condition can lead to an increased demand for GP services.
At 57% the percentage of the practice population recorded as being in paid work or full-time education was lower than the CCG average of 61% and national average of 62%. The practice area is in the second most deprived decile. Deprivation levels affecting children and adults were higher than local and national averages.