Creffield Medical Centre is a six partner medical practice located in a residential area of Colchester. The practice provides primary medical services for approximately 12,000 patients living in Colchester and the surrounding area. The practice is established as a GP training practice.
Creffield Medical Centre is operated by six partners, one salaried general practitioner (GP), four GP registrars (trainee GPs), a practice manager, four practice nurses, two nursing assistants, a phlebotomist and administration staff. It has strong relationships with the community nursing staff, health visitors and midwives.
The regulated activities we inspected were diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, maternity and midwifery, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
Patients and relatives made positive comments about their experience of using the practice, the treatment they received and their involvement in this.
Patients told us that clinical and reception staff were pleasant, helpful and any issues were dealt with in a timely manner. All patients we spoke with, and those who completed our comment cards, told us that they were treated with dignity and respect. They said that their treatments were explained fully and their consent was obtained before treatment started.
We found that the practice provided effective treatment based on relevant guidelines. The practice was responsive to the changing needs of their patient population.
There were robust systems in place ensuring that patients were treated safely and that risks to their health, safety and welfare were recognised and well managed. There were systems for recognising patients who may be vulnerable, and for considering how to best treat and monitor these patients so as to ensure that they received safe and effective care and treatment.
There was an open culture within the practice which encouraged staff and patients to report incidents, concerns and to make comment on how the service could be improved. Patients and staff we spoke with told us that their comments were well received. They told us that changes had been made to improve the service and patients experience where suggestions had been made.
The practice was well managed. Staff we spoke with were aware of the leadership arrangements and individual team member’s roles and responsibilities. The practice used a variety of clinical and non-clinical audits to improve the outcomes for patients across all population groups.