Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We inspected Long Barn Lane Surgery on 21 January 2015. This was a comprehensive inspection. We also inspected the branch surgery of the practice at Southcote clinic.
We rated the practice as requiring improvement. Many aspects of the services delivered were good but improvements must be made to improve safety. General cleaning standards were unsatisfactory and not consistently monitored, blank prescriptions were not recorded when issued to GPs, the treatment room in use at the branch surgery was not adequate and policies and procedures designed to identify, assess and manage risk were not kept up to date.
Our key findings were as follows: The practice provided good care and treatment to its patients. National data showed the practice performed well in managing long term conditions. Staff were aware of the needs of their patients including those experiencing income deprivation. The practice was responsive to potentially vulnerable patients. There was a strong leadership team and an open culture which was inclusive. Patients were consulted to assist the leadership team in making improvements to the service. The practice was aware that some patients found it difficult to access the service by telephone and online appointment booking was being promoted. Improvements were required to maintain appropriate standards of cleanliness, manage prescriptions, ensure treatment rooms were fit for purpose and ensuring policies and procedures relating to health and safety were kept up-to-date.
There are areas of practice where the provider needs to make improvements.
The areas where the provider must make improvements are:
- monitoring of general cleaning at both the main surgery and branch clinic to ensure appropriate standards of cleanliness are achieved.
- review the suitability of the treatment room at Southcote clinic to ensure it is fit for purpose.
- to carry out monitoring of fridge temperatures for the fridge in use at Southcote clinic.
- undertake consistent reviews of all policies relating to the identification, assessment and management of risk to ensure these remain up to date and accurate.
- to introduce a recording and tracking system for blank prescription forms and prescription pads
The areas where the provider should make improvement are:
- increasing the range of audits completed and introduce an audit plan.
- developing a clear plan for medical staffing to secure the long term future of the practice
- signing, dating and identifying a review timetable for the practice nursing protocols
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice