We spoke with seven patients who attended the practice on the day of our inspection, two of whom were members of the practice's PPG. They all spoke highly of the care and support provided by the practice. One said, "They are very responsive to comments and concerns raised by the group and put things right.' Another said, "I am thoroughly satisfied with the services provided.' We also spoke with two other patients by telephone after the inspection. They all said that staff were friendly and helpful and they could usually get an appointment when they needed to. They all felt well informed and involved in decisions about their care. One patient said it is an 'Excellent practice' and another patient said it is a 'Wonderful practice'. We spoke with four GPs, the practice manager, the deputy practice manager, two nurses, one health care assistant and two reception staff. They all said they received sufficient training to undertake their roles. They all felt well supported in their roles through supervision, informal mentoring, regular practice meetings and annual appraisal. One GP said 'This is an exceptionally well organised and supportive practice.'
We found that the practice had policies and procedures in place to safeguard children and vulnerable adults and that staff were aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to this. This meant that patients who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse.
The practice regularly sought the views of patients through surveys and the Patient Participation Group. Their views were used to improve the service. We saw that learning took place from significant events. This meant the practice had an effective system to monitor the quality of service that patients received.