During our visit we spoke with 11 people who were using the service and to several relatives who were accompanying people to the surgery. We also accompanied a GP when they visited and provided treatment to a person in their own home. We found that care had been planned and provided in a person centre manner. We saw this when observing treatment being given and when nurses and doctors greeted people and spoke to them. We found that medical records were consistently detailed and had included other health and social care professional's notes where this was appropriate.
People were kept safe from abuse by staff trained in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from harm. Policies and procedures and staff knowledge and training assured us that children and vulnerable were appropriately protected from abuse because the provider had taken suitable action to make this happen.
The premises were specifically designed for the collective activities of the centre. GPs, nurse and administrative staff had generous working areas that were well equipped and designed specifically for a GP practice. We saw that the premises were visibly clean and had been well maintained.