Updated 6 September 2018
The Fryent Way Surgery is located at 22 Fryent Way in Kingsbury, London. The practice premises comprise of a semi-detached purpose-built three-storey house, with a front and side entrance. There is wheelchair access, ground floor reception and waiting room, five clinical rooms as well as toilet facilities. The first floor comprises of a waiting room and five clinical rooms with no lift access, while the third floor comprises of the staff kitchen, and administration offices. The practice website can be found at: thefryentwaysurgery.nhs.uk
The practice patient list is approximately 8,660 patients, which includes 50 patients in a local nursing home. The practice area is rated in the sixth most deprived decile of the national Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD). People living in more deprived areas tend to have a greater need for health services. The practice has an ethnically diverse population and includes a higher than average proportion of young and working age population aged 16 and 75 and a lower proportion of patients aged over 75.
The practice is open between 8.45am and 6.30pm on Monday to Friday, except for a Wednesday, when the practice closes at 1pm. Appointments are offered between 9.00am and 6.00pm on Monday to Friday, except for Wednesday when the last appointment is offered at 12.40pm. The practice does not offer any extended hours. The GP's out of hours provider is Care UK. Outside of these hours, patients are redirected to NHS 111.
The practice is a member of K&W healthcare, a GP led organisation made up of 28 GP practices across the Brent localities. The service aims to improve the care provided to patients in the Brent locality and they offer hub appointments during weekday evenings and weekends.
The practice is a single-handed GP practice run by a male GP. The practice is supported by five female and three male salaried GPs who provide a combination of 31 sessions a week. They are also supported by a clinical pharmacist who provides 20 hours a week, a practice nurse who provides 29 hours a week, a phlebotomist and a part-time healthcare assistant/administration staff. Also employed are a part-time practice manager, 11 reception and administration staff and a cleaner. The practice is a teaching practice supporting GP trainees.
The practice operates under a General Medical Services (GMS) contract and is commissioned by the Brent CCG. The practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide the regulated activities of diagnostic and screening procedures, treatment of disease, disorder or injury, surgical procedures; family planning and maternity and midwifery services.
Services provided include chronic disease management, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, NHS health checks, child health surveillance, flu immunisations, screening, minor ailments, insulin initiation, joint injections, phlebotomy, ECG monitoring, spirometry and ear irrigation.