During our inspection we spoke with six people who had attended for appointments, one GP, the practice manager, two reception staff and two nurses. We also spoke with a member of the Patient Participation Group (PPG).People told us they were fully involved in discussions and decisions about their treatment and said they were listened to. One person said, "I can speak to the doctor and tell him what is wrong with me; he listens and asks me questions".
People told us they could request an appointment either by dropping into the practice, by telephone or on line. Comments included, "The appointment system is fast and flexible and I can usually see the doctor of my choice" and "I left a message this morning and they rang with an appointment for today".
The practice had clear policies and procedures in place for dealing with allegations of abuse. Records showed all staff had undertaken appropriate training in safeguarding. This would help staff to recognise and act when people were at risk of abuse or neglect.
There were effective systems in place to monitor the quality of service provision. We found people's views had been taken into account in the way the service was provided.
People were happy with the staff team and with the service they received. Comments included, "All the staff are very nice" and "Everyone is polite and helpful". Staff told us they enjoyed working at the practice.