15 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Four people confirmed staff maintained their privacy and dignity. One person told us, 'The door is always shut. If they call someone else in, if that is needed, they ask if that is ok first.'
We looked at the records of five people and saw their care needs had been assessed and care and treatment was planned and reviewed. One person told us, 'I was content with the treatment I received.'
We found that appropriate arrangements were in place for managing medicines, including controlled drugs. We saw audits were undertaken of emergency medication and medicine in GP's bags. There was no audit of the expiry dates of the medicines in stock in the dispensary and we noted one that was out of date. There was not a suitable recording chart in place to document the temperature checks of the refrigerator in the dispensary.
We saw evidence that staff had received induction, training and appraisals. We spoke with five staff members all of whom said they felt supported. One member of staff told us, 'Everyone is on one level, no one minds being asked.' Another member of staff said, 'It is a fantastic place to work.'