Patients that we spoke with were very complimentary about the service and told us their needs were met. One person said that staff were, 'Friendly and always ready to help or answer your questions.' When we spoke with staff, attended a meeting and observed staff interacting with the patients, we saw that staff listened to patients and ensured they took a patient centred approach to meeting their individual care and welfare needs. There were appropriate systems in place to ensure that staff sought consent from patients at appropriate times and this was recorded.
The premises were well designed and provided a safe environment because regular maintenance checks such as electrical, security and fire safety were in place. Although staff training in fire procedures had not been provided for some time, this was booked and due to take place in the near future.
Although no new staff had been recruited in the last eighteen months, there was a clear and appropriate recruitment policy in place. The policy required a review because it was out of date.
The practice used several methods for seeking feedback from patients to help make on-going improvements to the service they offered. They also monitored the quality of care that was provided to ensure that it was effectively meeting patients needs. This was done through regular clinical and staff meetings, monitoring complaints and incidents and completing quality checks on the care that was provided.