Concord Medical Centre is situated in Little Stoke, South Gloucestershire. The practice serves approximately 14,000 patients. The services provided include, child health care, ante and post natal care, immunisations, sexual health and contraception advice, management of long term conditions and smoking cessation clinics. Additional services included scanning for osteoporosis, ear nose and throat (ENT) procedures including mircosuction specifically for cleaning of the ears and a full time mental health nurse consultant.
During our inspection, we spoke with 12 patients. All of the patients spoken with on the day were very positive about the service provided with a collective view that patients were at the centre of the practices service delivery.
There were systems in place to ensure effective patient care and we heard about a high level of patient satisfaction with the care and treatment provided. Patients were treated with dignity and respect in a purpose built environment which was accessible and ensured their privacy. The appointment system enabled patients to be seen quickly and for the amount of time their needs required. The practice was responsive to the needs of the patient and continuously strived to improve the service it provided through active engagement with the patient group. The practice was well led by the practice manager and their partner GPs. They were supported by a practice nursing and staff team.
The practice must protect patients against the risks associated with the unsafe management of medicines, by making appropriate arrangements for the recording, safe keeping and disposal of medicines.
Patients over the age of 75 had been allocated a dedicated GP to oversee their individual care and treatment requirements delivered in the practice or in the patients own home.
Mothers, babies, children and young people had access to dedicated specialised staff as well as dedicated practice clinics, such as child immunisations.
The practice made provision for the working-age population and those recently retired with some additional early morning and evening appointments and alternate Saturday clinics as well as telephone consultations.
Patients in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care were also provided with services by the practice.
Patients experiencing poor mental health had access to a practice mental health nurse consultant who provided additional therapies and support.