• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Blossom Care For You LTD

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

First Floor, Unit 3 Viceroy House, Mountbatten Business Centre, Millbrook Road East, Southampton, SO15 1HY (023) 8023 1490

Provided and run by:
Blossom Care For You LTD

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 9 August 2024

This assessment took place between 27 August and 18 September 2024. Blossom Care For You LTD is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care services to older adults in their own homes. During this assessment we looked at of 4 quality statement in the key question of safe and 3 quality statements in the key question of well led. The overall rating for this service combines scoring from the quality statements we looked at during this assessment and scores in line with findings from our last inspection, where the service was rated good. There was not an effective governance system to monitor and improve the quality of care and safety of the service. Auditing and quality assurance information was not always completed or available for inspectors to review. Completed audits were not always effective in identifying issues which needed to be addressed. The provider did always robustly assess and reduce risks related to people’s medicines management. Systems to ensure safeguarding incidents were robustly reported, investigated and analysed were limited. Incidents were not always fully investigated to reduce the risk of recurrence, and we found examples where the provider did not report safeguarding concerns to relevant professionals in a timely manner. There were enough staff in place to meet people’s needs. The provider had made improvements to the consistency of care since they reduced the number of people they supported. The provider had identified shortfalls in their staff recruitment processes. Work was ongoing to ensure all staff had the appropriate recruitment documentation and checks in place. We received positive feedback from staff and people about the changes made since the new management team was in place. The leadership team was open and pro-active in acting in response to feedback from inspectors when shortfalls were identified at this assessment.

People's experience of the service

Updated 9 August 2024

People and relatives gave us positive feedback about the care they received. They praised staff as professional, friendly and knowledgeable about their needs. People said they received consistent care at agreed times. They told us that senior staff communicated with them well and that they were confident that any concerns they raised would be appropriately addressed. People told us they had no concerns around the support they received from staff to manage their medicines.