This practice is rated as Good overall. (Previous rating May 2018 – Good)
The key questions at this inspection are rated as:
Are services well-led? - Good
We carried out an announced focused inspection at St Peters Hill Surgery on 2nd October 2018. The practice had previously been rated as good overall in May 2018. However were rated as requires improvement in delivering well-led services. This inspection was to investigate whether the governance systems had been implemented to improve systems for complaints, infection control, staff training and monitoring of refrigerator temperatures.
At this inspection we found:
- The practice had reviewed and taken action on the report published in May 2018 and implemented systems and processes to improve the practice performance.
- The system for complaints and significant events ensured that incidents were investigated and reported on in a timely matter. We saw that staff members were involved with the process and the practice understood the duty of candour where appropriate.
- The practice had a system to manage infection prevention and control and had implemented a new cleaning schedule for all areas of the practice.
- The management of staff records and training was well managed and alerted staff when training was due to be completed.
- Refrigerators temperatures were monitored twice daily and secondary thermometers were in use.
The areas where the provider should make improvements are:
- The provider should hold an immunisation record for staff.
- Ensure that back up thermometers provide accurate information.
- Continue developing the meeting schedule within the practice and providing accurate meeting minutes.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice
Please refer to the detailed report and the evidence tables for further information.