Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
St Thomas Health Centre was inspected on Wednesday 8 October 2014. This was a comprehensive inspection.
St Thomas Health Centre is one of four practices belonging to the partnership named St Thomas Medical Group, who provide a service to approximately 35,000 patients in the city of Exeter.
St Thomas Health Centre has a branch called Pathfinder Surgery. The Pathfinder branch, Exwick Health Centre and Exeter University Student Health Centre, were not inspected on this occasion.
St Thomas Health Centre provides primary medical services to approximately 15,500 patients living in the city of Exeter and the surrounding areas. The practice provides services to a diverse population age group and is situated in a city centre location.
There was a team of nine GP partners. GP partners hold managerial and financial responsibility for running the business. In addition there were four additional salaried GPs, ten registered nurses, four health care assistants, a practice manager, and additional administrative and reception staff.
Patients using the practice also had access to community staff including district nurses, community psychiatric nurses, health visitors, physiotherapists, speech therapists, counsellors and midwives.
We rated this practice as outstanding.
Our key findings were as follows:
The practice was well led and responded to patient need and feedback. Innovative and proactive methods were used to improve patient outcomes even where no financial incentives or contractual agreements were expected.
The practice was caring and had an active carer and patient support network which had identified lonely, isolated or vulnerable patients. The group had worked to provide voluntary services and support, which promoted well-being and reduce isolation.
Patients reported having good access to appointments at the practice and liked having a named GP which, they told us improved their continuity of care. The practice was clean, well-organised, had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients. There were effective infection control procedures in place.
Feedback from patients about their care and treatment was consistently positive. We observed a non-discriminatory, person-centred culture. Staff told us they felt motivated and inspired to offer kind and compassionate care and worked to overcome obstacles to achieving this. Views of external stakeholders were very positive and aligned with our findings.
The practice was well-led and had a leadership structure in place with the practice manager playing a central role in the co-ordination of the running of the practice. Staff displayed a sense of mutual respect and team work. There were systems in place to monitor and improve quality and identify risk and systems to manage emergencies.
Patients’ needs were assessed and care was planned and delivered in line with current legislation. This included assessment of mental capacity to make decisions about care and treatment, and the promotion of good health.
Suitable recruitment, pre-employment checks, induction and appraisal processes were in place and had been carried out thoroughly. There was a culture of further education to benefit patient care and increase the scope of practice for staff.
Documentation received about the practice prior to and during the inspection demonstrated the practice performed comparatively with all other practices within the clinical commissioning group (CCG) area.
Patients felt safe in the hands of the staff and felt confident in clinical decisions made. There were effective safeguarding procedures in place.
Significant events, complaints and incidents were investigated and discussed. Learning from these events was implemented and communicated to show what learning, actions and improvements had taken place.
We saw several areas of outstanding practice including:
The practice were responsive to the needs of patients and provided services even when the service provided was not included in the GP contract. For example:
- The practice nurses and health care assistants performed complex leg ulcer dressings in the practice following extended training at the local hospital with community nurses who had extended training in tissue viability. The practice nurses had also worked with the dermatology department at the local acute trust to obtain training and advice. St Thomas staff input meant patients were able to receive this complex treatment at the practice avoiding the need to attend the community leg ulcer clinic on the other side of the city. This service was over and above what was expected from the practice in the GP contract and had improved outcomes for patients.
- An additional service was provided by staff at the practice for patients with indwelling intravenous lines used for prolonged treatments. For example, chemotherapy, long term antibiotics and intravenous feeding. Patients were normally required to go to hospital for management of this intravenous line. However, staff at the practice had completed extended training to enable patients to receive care locally, at the practice.
- Staff at the practice and the Friends of St Thomas Health Centre had raised money to fund equipment, transport and maintenance of a pain relieving gas for complex wound dressings. The practice had also facilitated extended staff training to enable patients to stay at home and be treated at the practice and in the community rather than remaining in hospital for complex wound care.
In addition, the practice had responded by making sure information was provided to help patients with learning disabilities understand the care available to them. For example, administration staff had recognised the literature given out regarding the practice and health checks was inadequate and had changed the documents to easy read versions for these patients.
The practice had a very active carers support and Friends of St Thomas Health Centre group. The group of volunteers was co-ordinated by a member of staff employed at the practice and offered services to all patients, but especially to isolated and lonely patients and carers. The group offered services such as lunch clubs for housebound patients, a telephone support service, sitting and befriending services, weekly social events and carers support groups. The aim of the service was to prevent isolation and loneliness of patients and carers.
The practice had recognised that some patients were not fit enough to join the city walking group or wanted to remain in a smaller group. The practice had worked with three other local practices to set up a ‘strollers group’ for patients, until they were fit enough or more confident to join the city walking group.
However, there were also areas of practice where the provider should make improvements.
The provider should ensure that:
- All clinical staff receive training in the Mental Capacity Act (2005).
- The GPs should offer each other the same level of support and risk assessments as they do for other staff at the practice, to proactively prevent, reduce and identify work related stress.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice