Everyone we spoke with who was either waiting to be seen or had been seen had something positive to say about their visit and the practice generally. One person told us, "There's been lots of change over the years and all for the good." They also went on to say that the practice had not lost "the personal touch" over the years.The practice offered pre-booked appointments, on-line booking of appointments and 'on the day' appointments. These would be with either a designated doctor or the duty doctor to help patients who needed urgent consultations. The doctors also carried out a telephone triage system where appropriate. Appointments with the nurse practitioner were also offered.
The practice took all relevant steps to maintain patients' privacy and dignity and we noted that the practice had a Patient Participation Group (PPG) which acted on behalf of patients.
One person we spoke with told us, "I'm fully satisfied and couldn't wish for a better doctors' surgery". They went on to tell us that they would have said straight away if things were not right.
We observed staff treating people with respect and being helpful and considerate.
The practice building was easy to access with ample parking. There was a toilet accessible to people with disabilities on the ground floor and baby changing facilities were provided also.