We spoke with five people who said they were asked for their consent by the nurses and the doctors. We tracked the records of six patients. We saw evidence that both written and verbal consent had been obtained as appropriate and this was documented. We spoke with seven people about their care and treatment in the surgery. They all gave positive comments. One person said, 'I have a lot of problems and my doctor has done everything in their power to help me and get me better.'
The surgery had a lead doctor for safeguarding. Clinical staff had received training in safeguarding children. There was no evidence of safeguarding adult training. The staff we spoke with identified most of the different types of abuse and were able to identify where they would find the appropriate referral form.
We spoke with one member of staff who said, 'I feel supported here.' We looked at the staff file for the most recent employee. We were told that this member of staff had received some induction. There was no written evidence of an induction in the staff file. We were shown the appraisals of five members of nursing staff. They had all been completed within the previous year.
In relation to complaints, one person said, 'I did have to make a complaint a while back. This did not present any difficulties and was resolved amicably.' We saw evidence of a range of positive comments made in relation to the surgery. We saw evidence that audits were used at the surgery to improve practice.