The centre is operated by five GPs working in partnership assisted by; a part time salaried GP, three RN's, a HCA, two management staff, four administrators, nine receptionists and five therapists. During our visit we spoke with three GP's, the practice manager, the assistant practice manager, the lead practice nurse, administrative staff, four patients and a representative from the Patient Participation Group.
People we spoke with were happy with the care and treatment they received at the centre. People spoke highly of the staff and one person said "Booking appointments is easy, the staff here are exceptional"
We found that people's needs were assessed and care and treatment provided was discussed with patients and delivered to meet their needs. People spoke positively about their experiences of care and treatment at the practice.
We found that there were child and adult safeguarding policies and procedures in place. Staff were knowledgable and had received training in both safeguarding adults and children.
We found that people were not always protected from the risks associated with infection because appropriate procedures or equipment were not in place.
Medicines were not always kept safely, and there were no formal processes to ensure the security of medicines and prescription pads.
There were formal mechanisms and some documentation in place to indicate whether the practice was able to monitor or assure the quality of the service people received.